head in the clouds

Jeannine Al-Attal, Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School

  • Graphic art

  • 11 in x 17 in

artist statement:

This piece was a self reflection, based off of my feelings fresh out of a strict quarantine. At the time, I felt very inspired by the world around me, yet felt separated. The time alone allowed me to marinate in the wide web, to absorb conflicts in this world and turn them into art. I got to reflect on myself and become a better person, and it allowed me to rediscover my passion for the arts. The remoteness, and longing for a better skill set allowed me to push myself to excel. The clouds in my piece represented goals i want to reach or am striving to reach. Some examples of these goals are to be healthier, smarter, and, most importantly, happier. These goals are what I want to be among, and have one thing in common: they all are under the idea of falling in love with my life. I want to be in a hopeless romantic relationship with life. These past few years, I have been grateful for everything I have gained: friends and improved relationships with family have really helped me reach this. However, it wasn't until I realized I was okay with my life that I wanted more. There is a great thing about life, something that makes you feel ups and downs. A force that pushes you out of bed, a force that carries you through the streets. I wonder what would happen if I replaced the forces that pushed me out of my bed? If instead of dread, I felt excitement? Instead of looking down, I look straight at the sun? I want to challenge life back, and I feel that is displayed in my art. I put myself on the map, I write my own love story with life, painting it with adoration, expiration and joys. This love story in the sky allows me to reach my set goals. Of being a better person, of wanting to access parts of myself I have yet to know. The mask is there to show that I don't completely know myself yet. Sometimes getting to take care of myself lets me know more things about myself. My likes, my dislikes. What I fear, what I admire. In a weird way, it is like being on a first date with myself. Head in the clouds is a piece that helps me understand how to let myself feel this passion and drive. How I can be what I want to be. Even when the days are hard, and I feel like a stranger to myself, I remember my goals. I remember what I want to strive for. To be kind, strong, smart, fast, brave, new.  

—Jeannine Al-Attal



