aquatic life posters

A friend of mine was looking for a poster that highlighted the many animals he’s seen while scuba diving in the past. Christmas was around the corner, so I took the liberty of making them for him myself

  • 3 posters 11 in x 17 in

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • 2 months

Taking inspiration from old science-style posters, I created two posters that feature various aquatic life from the two locations that he dove in: Honduras and Hawai’i. The third features the seven different species of sea turtles in the world, which is his favorite animal.

All three posters feature the animals scattered around, with an identification system on the bottom. Honduras and the Sea Turtles poster lists their names in English, with their scientific species in parentheses. However, the Hawai’i one differs by labeling the species’ name in ‘Ōlelo Hawai’i, or the Hawaiian language.

This was a new type of project for me, which I enjoyed so much! I have a love for aquatic life as well, so researching the many species featured, learning about them, and being able to create something that my friend can cherish was such a fun experience.


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